Therapist, Author & Motivational Speaker
All successful people have one thing in common - they all work with a coach to help them accelerate their success.
A coach will help you identify your skills, work on your weaknesses and get clarity and what you want and how to achieve it.
Coaching will help you get from where you are, to where you want to be faster than you could on your own, and save you the stress of having to figure it all out alone. Having a coach gives you the advantage both in your personal and professional life.
All our Change Your World professionals are available for corporate training, events and one to one private coaching Click below to start your coaching journey today.
Sally is an award-winning, senior, licensed and accredited therapist, author and speaker based in London, England with over twenty years of experience of seeing clients for a wide range of complex and challenging issues.
She specialises in working with people who feel broken or stuck. People who feel as if there is some impenetrable barrier they just can’t break through. As a therapist, she specialises in going straight to the root of the problem by helping you clear the unconscious negative thoughts, limiting -beliefs and damaging behaviours that make you feel broken and keep you stuck.
Sally shares tools and techniques to transform our intimate relationships no matter what stage they're at. Exploring everything from being single and how to attract in the right partner, to the marriage of 25+ years. Sally shows us how to keep those relationships alive and thriving with vibrancy.
Are you fulfilling your full potential but frustrated about your self-sabotaging behaviour? Are you an entrepreneur, business owner or professional who isn’t fulfilling your full potential? Are you even sabotaging your success with some of your behaviour? Maybe you’re frustrated that you’re doing all the right things; reading the right books, attending all the right training and still feeling as if you are a work in progress and curious about what you need to do to achieve the breakthrough you’ve been looking for. Sally takes us through five masterclasses to empower you to go from sabotage to success.
How To Become Super Savvy And Have The Love In Your Life You’ve Been Seeking Self-Help Course.
With our team of health and wellness professionals, we deliver an array of workshops, as well as creating tailormade training programmes.
View the wide range of workshops available to book for your organisation.
Need private and confidential coaching?
With our extensive database of experts we can match you with the right person for all your development needs. Contact us today to discuss your coaching needs.
Planning an event? We are experts in event planning and will create the perfect event for you, your people and your audiences. We can do everything from sourcing the venue, finding your speaking and organising every last detail for your event to run smoothly. Contact us today to discuss your event idea.
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