Are You being Single Shamed?

Suzy Beaumont • April 12, 2022

 Are You Being Single Shamed? 

Click Here to hear the full interview

Are You Being Single Shamed? 

Over the last 10 years, the number of people living alone in the UK has increased by 4% according to the figures from the ONS in Scotland a third of all households are single occupancy – so given how common it is, why do so many people feel judged for not being in a relationship – victims of what’s called “Single Shaming”. 

Comments at the family wedding like, “don’t worry, it will happen for you too” or the images on social media loved up couples can send anyone into a sobbing mess and questioning “why I can’t find someone to love me!” 

In my interview here with Stephen Jardine on BBC Radio Scotland it was highlighted how social media, and comments from others just aren’t helpful. Often these comments are a projection of a person’s belief system around relationships.  Who said you need to be in a relationship to be complete and a success? Where did that belief system come from? 

Some of the best years of my life have been when I’ve been single, I had lots of fun and the freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted. Equally, some of the most beautiful moments in my life have been when I’ve experienced connection with another person and shared an experience with them.

The point is relationships do not define our success as a human being. As a personal development consultant, I would always advocate that being single gives you the perfect opportunity to discover who you are, what you stand for and what brings you joy.  Understanding yourself and being comfortable being on your own will attract in the right person to compliment your life. If you don’t know yourself, you will only end up compromising yourself when you do become attached. 

If you are single, embrace it! Own it and have adventures, try new things, push your comfort zone, and get into a relationship with yourself and learn to love being with you!  If you don’t like certain aspects of yourself, work on changing them, there is nothing more attractive than someone who is truly comfortable with who they are.


If you would like coaching support, contact me on  

To listen to the interview click here: 

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